– Moving Circumpolar Health Forward –

Welcome to the 17th International Congress of Circumpolar Health, ICCH17, August 12-15, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark.

The ICCH congresses are held every third year in different locations in the circumpolar area and represent the largest scientific meetings worldwide on circumpolar health.

The ICCH congresses are organized by the International Union for Circumpolar Health (IUCH), aided by a local organizing committee.

The local organizing committee for the ICCH17 is the Danish Greenlandic Society for Circumpolar Health.

Please see the Welcome by  the President for a welcome and a more thorough description of the conference and what’s new this year.

A warm welcome to Copenhagen, August 2018. We are looking forward to seeing as many as possible and will do our best to make this the best ICCH conference so far!

The organizers

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