[efcb-section-samplepage hero_image=” ” title=”Educational activities” subtitle=”Summer School and PhD courses” background_color=” ” title_font_color=” ” subtitle_font_color=” ” id=”ui-id-2-151466553766912″][content]

Two educational activities will take place in concjunction with the ICCH17 congress, a summer school on Arctic Health in the days August 16-28 and a PhD course on research methods August 16-18. The PhD course comprise the first three days of the summer school. Both courses are organised by the University of Copenhagen.

Experts from the world of circumpolar health research teach at the two courses.

The first 20 participants for either of the two courses, who do not have their course fee funded from their university or from elsewhere, will have the fee for the ICCH2018-conference, except for social events, sponsored from the conference. Thus, congress participation for those students will be free. Please contact Anders Koch (ako@ssi.dk) for more info.

Summer school
August 16-28, 2018, the University of Copenhagen as main organiser offers a summer course on Arctic health. The course equals 7.5 ECTS and is in English. The course includes an e-learning part in the month before start of the course. For more information about the summer school please check the website by clicking here or the picture below. Application deadline May 1, 2018.

PhD course
In the days August 16-18 a PhD course on how to carry out research in Circumpolar areas takes place. Organisers are the University of Copenhagen; the NORDFORSK supported CLINF project (Climate Change and Infectious Diseases); the Network for Circumpolar Health Researchers; and the International Union for Circumpolar Health (IUCH). This PhD course will comprise the first three days of the Summer School in Arctic Health above, and may be taken independently. The course amounts to 2.1 ECTS points. Please check the website https://phdcourses.ku.dk/DetailKursus.aspx?id=104936&sitepath=SUND for info on detalis and registration, and download program here.
Application deadine has been extended to July 8, 2018.


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